Stage 1 water restrictions come into effect on June 1st and end on September 15th of every year.
If the season becomes extremely dry, another, more restrictive stage may come into effect. This is because our treated water system is the same system that the Fire Department uses to save lives and property in the event of a fire. They rely on the reservoir having enough water at all times to feed the fire hydrants in the Village. When water is used excessively to keep lawns green, wash cars, or hose driveways, it inadvertently puts pressure on the water system. When this occurs, our Water Treatment Plant cannot keep up with the demand and the water in the reservoir starts to drop. This puts homes and lives in jeopardy if a fire(s) were to happen. The Village thanks its residents for their understanding and compliance with these restrictions.
If you have any questions regarding Water Use Restrictions, please contact the Village Office and we’ll be happy to answer them.
1. Flowers/Shrubs/Trees and Vegetables – Any Day Watering Watering of trees, shrubs, flowers or vegetables using a hose-connected or an automatic in-ground sprinkler will be limited to the hours of 4:00 am to 9:00 am or 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm any day of the week.
2. Lawns – Twice a Week Watering Watering of lawns using hose-connected or automatic in-ground sprinklers will be limited to the hours of 4:00 am to 9:00 am and 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm at premises following the zone schedule set forth: Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Mondays / Thursdays Tuesdays / Fridays Wednesdays / Saturdays
*** There will be no watering using sprinklers on Sundays***
3. Washing Vehicles and other Recreational Activities Washing of motor vehicles, boats and recreational vehicles must be with a hose equipped with a shut-off device that is spring loaded and operated by hand pressure. Washing of vehicles will occur in accordance with the above Zone schedule.
Stage 2 will be watering once a week if the Foreman advises the Chief Administrative Officer that a reduction in water use is necessary. The following will be implemented:
1. Lawns/Flowers/Shrubs/Trees and Vegetables – Once a Week Watering Watering of trees, shrubs, flowers or vegetables using a hose-connected or an automatic in-ground sprinkler will be limited to the hours of 4:00 am to 9:00 am or 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm during the following schedule:
Zone 1: Mondays
Zone 2: Tuesdays
Zone 3: Wednesdays
*** There will be no watering using sprinklers on Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays or Sundays***
*** Utilization of spring loaded shut-off nozzles is permitted***
2. Washing Vehicles Washing of motor vehicles, boats and recreational vehicles must be with a hose equipped with a shut-off device that is spring loaded and operated by hand pressure. Washing of vehicles will occur in accordance with the above Zone schedule.
3. Washing of Driveways and Sidewalks There will be no washing down of sidewalks and/or driveways at any time.
Stage 3 will be a complete watering ban if the Foreman advises the Chief Administrative Officer that a reduction in water use is necessary. The following will be implemented:
1. There shall be no watering of lawns at any time.
2. There shall be no washing of exterior building surfaces, parking lots, driveways or sidewalks at any time.
3. There shall be no use of decorative fountains that do not use re-circulated water at any time.
4. There shall be no watering of trees/shrubs/flowers/vegetables/ except by hand using a hose with a spring loaded shut-off nozzle, or hand-held container.
5. There shall be no washing of a vehicle, boat or recreational vehicle at any time.
6. There shall be no filling of existing residential swimming pools, hot tubs or wading pools.
Watering Zones
Zone 1: (Highway 16 Corridor and the Bench area)
❖ Is described as that area on the East side of the
Bulkley River
Zone 2: (Cottonwood Flats area)
❖ Is described as that area on the West side of the
Bulkley River, and on the North side of Coalmine Road
Zone 3: (Woodland area)
❖ Is described as that area on the West side of the
Bulkley River, and on the South East side of Coalmine
For more resources on how to make water work, click here.
The Village's water conservation program is intended to
promote efficient use of water resources to ensure the
maximum benefit can be obtained from the available water supply and minimize the need to develop costly new water sources. Efficient water use also saves money through lower operating costs and deferred capital costs. North Americans are the highest consumers of water in the world, and their rates are the lowest. The average Canadian uses about 350 liters of water for household use every day. Water usage is a habit that develops over time. Bad habits are hard to change, but with a little knowledge our habits can be gradually modified. The cost of water is very affordable if we adopt good habits in our daily water use. If you and your family adopt the simple habits listed below, you can reduce your water consumption by as much as 50%.
Small Drips Equal Big Losses!
One small drip can waste as much as 75 liters of water a day! Make sure that precious water isn't leaking down the drain or hitting the gutter without nourishing your grass, trees and plants.
• Repair leaky faucets and always turn off your taps tightly so they don't drip.
• Consider auto irrigation for your lawn and garden.
• Adjust sprinkler timers or place a tin can on the lawn to measure how long it takes to collect one inch of water. That's how little your lawn needs each week even during warm weather.
• Check your toilets for leaks. Put a few drops of food coloring in your toilet tank. If, without flushing, colour appears in the bowl within 30 minutes, you have a leak.
• Install water-efficient plumbing fixtures such as low-flow shower heads and toilets that use six liters of water or less per flush. If you have an older toilet, simply place a weighted plastic bottle filled with water or sand in the water tank to reduce the amount of water per flush.
• Adjust the water level of your washing machine and use cold or warm water instead of hot.
More Water Doesn't Always Mean More Green
A typical lawn only needs about an inch of water each week. Most shrubs and trees only need water once a week. Lawns look healthier with moderate watering every 3 - 5 days rather than watering for a short period every day.
Village of Telkwa Water Conservation Plan Policy
• Keep a container of cold water in the fridge for drinking.
• Don't run the tap continuously when rinsing food or dishes.
• Scrape, don't rinse dishes before putting them in the dishwasher.
• Run the dishwasher only when full.
• Install aerators on kitchen taps.
• Check for leaky taps and appliances.
• Take shorter showers or smaller baths.
• Install water saving shower heads.
• Turn off the taps while shaving or brushing your teeth.
• Install water saving devices in toilets.
• Install aerators on bathroom taps.
• Check for leaky toilets and faucets.
Laundry Room
• Run the washing machine only when full, or adjust the water levels.
• Check for leaky taps.
Lawn and Garden
• Lawns and gardens require only five (5) millimeters (1/5 inch) of water per day during warm weather. Less is needed during spring, fall or cool weather.
• Water lawns every three to five days, rather than for a short period every day. Apply five millimeters of water for each day since the last watering in warm weather. The amount of water can easily be measured by placing a can or jar in the area being sprinkled. Measure the time required to apply the proper amount of water and use this figure for future sprinkling.
• Grass which is green does not need water. Water is required when the grass starts to develop a black tinge along the top. Recovery is almost immediate when water is applied at this stage. Blacking does not hurt grass. Browning does.
• Do not over water in anticipation of a shortage, the soil cannot store extra water.
• Use shut off timers or on/off timers if possible. Do not turn on the sprinklers and leave for the day.
• Prevent water loss due to evaporation by watering during the cool part of the day, in the early morning or late evening. Do not water on windy days.
• Maintain lawns at a height of 6.5 centimeters (2 1/2 inches).
• Young or freshly transplanted garden plants need less water more frequently, not extra water, until they are established.
• Most shrubs and trees need water only once per week, even in warm weather.
• Use organic matter and mulch covers to retain moisture and prevent evaporation.
• Reduce car washing and use a broom rather than a hose to clean sidewalks, driveways and patios.
Automatic Sprinklers
• Schedule properly, taking soil type, slope, water pressure, varieties planted, and the requirements of your water supplier into account.
• Water only when needed.
• Check regularly for leaks and breakage.
• Adjust sprinkler head pressure to avoid overlap and wasteful watering of roadways and sidewalks.
• Clean filters regularly.
• Most importantly, override the automatic system with common sense especially during period of rain.