Second and Fourth Tuesday of each month
(except June-September)
Council Chambers, 1415 Hankin Ave, Telkwa BC at 7:00 p.m.
Council meetings are held at 7pm on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month (except June- September) at the Village office, located at 1415 Hankin Ave, unless otherwise noted. The Schedule of Council Meetings is posted annually. ​
Agendas - Regular Meetings of Council Agendas are posted online at least 24 hours prior to a Regular Meeting of Council or can be picked up from the Village office.
Minutes - Minutes of Regular Council Meetings are posted online following Council approval.
Delegations - Village of Telkwa Council may hear two delegations from the public at each Regular Meeting of Council. Apply to appear as a delegation before Council by submitting this form to the Village office. Contact the Village office to confirm availability.
Special Meetings of Council or Committee of the Whole Meetings are called on an as-needed basis. Notice of these meetings will be posted online.
The Microsoft Teams link for Regular Council meetings can be found in the event listed in the calendar below.